It feels absolutely surreal that Witty in Pink comes out in three short months. This book. This freaking book. It has my entire heart, from the moment I typed the first word. Every character, not just Briggs and Blythe, has taken a piece of me with them. The process of writing this book was liberating and joyful in a way I never expected. That I have the opportunity to share this book of my heart with you?? I don’t even have the words to express how grateful I am.
I recently finished writing my dedication and acknowledgements for the book, and if you want all the details, that’s the best place to look. But I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with Entangled Publishing. What an actual force. We have so much planned for the launch of this book over the next few months, and if you’re subscribed to this newsletter, you’ll be the first for all the goodies.
Like right now! I’m pleased as punch to be able to announce the official preorder campaign for Witty in Pink in partnership with my favorite independent bookstore, Brewster Bookstore on beautiful Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Here’s the deal. You can preorder from anywhere, of course. Whatever thrills you. BUT. If you preorder from Brewster Bookstore, not only do you get a signed, even personalized, copy of Witty in Pink, but you also get…
…are you ready? Sit down.
This beautiful piece of custom art created by the ever-talented Bethany Stancliffe!
(It’s Blythe and Briggs in the gardens outside Mistlethrush Hall, and it’s everything.)
I first fell in love with Bethany’s work when I saw her illustrations for my dear friend Donna Galanti’s middle grade series, Unicorn Island. I was so excited when I reached out to Bethany, asking her to create a scene depicting my two main characters, and she said yes! It couldn’t have come out any more perfect, and I’m so happy to be able to send you home with this art.
Not only that, but you also get this exclusive sticker with a quote from the book!
(It’s the round part. I don’t know why there’s a black square around it, but it is what it is.)
And last but not least, you get a custom Witty in Pink bookmark. What a treasure trove. I really do spoil you. The preorder campaign starts TODAY! And you can get these goodies along with your personalized copy of Witty in Pink while supplies last (because once we run out of art, stickers, and bookmarks, that’s kind of it).
So there it is! All your preorder updates.
Until next time, readers. xo Erica
I am sooooo excited for this amazing heartfelt and delightful book to come to life! And LOVE Bethany Stancliffe's illustrations. What a fantastic giveaway with her art that evokes the emotion and atmosphere of WITTY IN PINK! And thanks for mentioning my Unicorn Island series that she illustrated too! She is super talented :)